Objective mediation

Fast settlement

Conflict resolution

Northwestern Arbitration Court

The Northwestern Arbitration Court created in 2009 is a legal body related to the Confederación de Empresarios de Ferrolterra, Eume y Ortegal (Confederation of Businessman from Ferrolterra, Eume and Ortegal) the purpose of which is to be a fast and efficient tool for the resolution of conflicts through the management of the arbitrations referred to it –whether national or international– and subject to the provisions of the laws in force.

In the course of its activity it will carry out the following functions, among others:

  • The management of the arbitrations submitted to the Court, providing counselling and cooperation for the ordinary arbitration process and keeping the appropriate and necessary organization to that effect.
  • The appointment of the arbitrators required in each case.
  • The writing of every legal opinion requested to the Court regarding the problems resulting from the commercial arbitration practice.
  • The analysis of the national and international Arbitration Law as well as the submission of the reforms and proposals to the competent authorities for the benefit of the commercial arbitration practice.
  • The relationship with other specialized entities as well as the signing of cooperation agreements.

In general, any other activity related to the commercial arbitration favouring its practice, knowledge and dissemination.